Source code for qiskit_qryd_provider.qryd_backend

import warnings
from contextlib import suppress
from itertools import product
from math import pi
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Union

import requests
from qiskit.circuit import Measure
from qiskit.circuit import Parameter
from qiskit.circuit.library import CPhaseGate
from qiskit.circuit.library import CXGate
from qiskit.circuit.library import CYGate
from qiskit.circuit.library import CZGate
from qiskit.circuit.library import HGate
from qiskit.circuit.library import iSwapGate
from qiskit.circuit.library import PhaseGate
from qiskit.circuit.library import RGate
from qiskit.circuit.library import RXGate
from qiskit.circuit.library import RYGate
from qiskit.circuit.library import RZGate
from qiskit.circuit.library import SwapGate
from qiskit.circuit.library import SXdgGate
from qiskit.circuit.library import SXGate
from qiskit.circuit.library import UGate
from qiskit.circuit.library import XGate
from qiskit.circuit.library import YGate
from qiskit.circuit.library import ZGate
from qiskit.providers import BackendV2 as Backend
from qiskit.providers import Options
from qiskit.transpiler import Target

from qiskit_qryd_provider.pcp_gate import PCPGate
from qiskit_qryd_provider.pcz_gate import PCZGate
from qiskit_qryd_provider.qryd_job import QRydJob

    import qiskit
    import qiskit_qryd_provider

[docs]class QRydBackend(Backend): """Super class for accessing the emulator of the `QRydDemo`_ consortium. .. _QRydDemo: All backends are derived from this class, which provides functionality for running a quantum circuit on the emulator. For usages examples, see the derived backends. """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: """Initialize the class. Args: **kwargs: Arguments to pass to Qiskit's :external+qiskit:py:class:`Backend <qiskit.providers.BackendV2>` class. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) # Set option validators self.options.set_validator("shots", (1, 2**18)) self.options.set_validator("memory", [False]) self.options.set_validator("seed_simulator", int) self.options.set_validator("seed_compiler", int) self.options.set_validator("allow_compilation", bool) self.options.set_validator("fusion_max_qubits", (2, 6)) self.options.set_validator("use_extended_set", bool) self.options.set_validator("use_reverse_traversal", bool) self.options.set_validator("extended_set_size", (1, 100)) self.options.set_validator("extended_set_weight", float) self.options.set_validator("reverse_traversal_iterations", (1, 30))
@property def target(self) -> Target: """A target object which defines a model of the backend for Qiskit's transpiler. Returns: A target object of the backend. """ return self._target @property def max_circuits(self) -> int: """The maximum number of circuits that can be run in a single job. Currently, it is only supported to run a single circuit in a single job. Returns: 1 """ return 1 @classmethod def _default_options(cls) -> Options: """Get default options. Returns: An Options object. """ return Options( shots=1024, memory=False, seed_simulator=None, seed_compiler=None, allow_compilation=True, fusion_max_qubits=4, use_extended_set=True, use_reverse_traversal=True, extended_set_size=5, extended_set_weight=0.5, reverse_traversal_iterations=3, )
[docs] def set_option( self, key: str, value: Union[Optional[int], Optional[bool], Optional[str], Optional[float]], ) -> None: r"""Set an option. Args: key: The key of the option. Currently, the following options are supported: * :code:`shots` (:external:py:class:`int`, default: 1024): Number of measurements, must be :math:`\geq 1` and :math:`\leq 2^{18}`. * :code:`seed_simulator` (:external:py:class:`int`, default: None): A seed for the random number generator of the emulator. * :code:`fusion_max_qubits` (:external:py:class:`int`, default: 4): The maximum number of qubits that can be fused in a single unitary. * :code:`allow_compilation` (:external:py:class:`bool`, default: True): Whether our servers are allowed to compile the circuit. If not, the user must take care that the circuit only uses native gates and connectivity. The following additional options can be used to fine-tune how our servers compile the quantum circuit to the connectivity and gate set of the Rydberg platform: * :code:`seed_compiler` (:external:py:class:`int`, default: None): A seed for the random number generator of the compiler. * :code:`use_extended_set` (:external:py:class:`bool`, default: True): Whether the `SABRE algorithm`_ uses the extended set of gates. * :code:`use_reverse_traversal` (:external:py:class:`bool`, default: True): Whether SABRE uses the reverse traversal technique to update the initial mapping. * :code:`extended_set_size` (:external:py:class:`int`, default: 5): Size of the extended set of gates used by SABRE. * :code:`extended_set_weight` (:external:py:class:`float`, default: 0.5): Weight of the extended set of gates used by SABRE. * :code:`reverse_traversal_iterations` (:external:py:class:`int`, default: 2): The number of times SABRE is run back and forth. value: The value of the option. Raises: NotImplementedError: If `key` does not describe a valid option. .. _SABRE algorithm: .. # noqa: DAR101 value """ if hasattr(self.options, key): if value is not None: setattr(self.options, key, value) else: setattr(self.options, key, getattr(self._default_options(), key)) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'"{key}" is not a valid option.')
[docs] def run(self, circuit: "qiskit.QuantumCircuit" | List["qiskit.QuantumCircuit"], **kwargs) -> QRydJob: """Serialize a circuit, submit it to the backend, and create a job. This method will submit a simulation job and return a Job object that runs the circuit on QRydDemo's emulator. This is an async call so that running does not block the program. Args: circuit: A QuantumCircuit to run on the backend. **kwargs: Any kwarg options to pass to the backend. Returns: A job object. """ if isinstance(circuit, list): if len(circuit) != 1: raise NotImplementedError("Only a single circuit is supported.") circuit = circuit[0] for kwarg in kwargs: if not hasattr(self.options, kwarg): warnings.warn( "Option %s is not used by this backend." % kwarg, UserWarning, stacklevel=2, ) options = self.options if "seed_simulator" in kwargs: options.update_options(seed_simulator=kwargs["seed_simulator"]) if "seed_compiler" in kwargs: options.update_options(seed_compiler=kwargs["seed_compiler"]) if "allow_compilation" in kwargs: options.update_options(allow_compilation=kwargs["allow_compilation"]) if "memory" in kwargs: options.update_options(memory=kwargs["memory"]) if "shots" in kwargs: options.update_options(shots=kwargs["shots"]) if "fusion_max_qubits" in kwargs: options.update_options(fusion_max_qubits=kwargs["fusion_max_qubits"]) if "use_extended_set" in kwargs: options.update_options(use_extended_set=kwargs["use_extended_set"]) if "use_reverse_traversal" in kwargs: options.update_options( use_reverse_traversal=kwargs["use_reverse_traversal"] ) if "extended_set_size" in kwargs: options.update_options(extended_set_size=kwargs["extended_set_size"]) if "extended_set_weight" in kwargs: options.update_options(extended_set_weight=kwargs["extended_set_weight"]) if "reverse_traversal_iterations" in kwargs: options.update_options( reverse_traversal_iterations=kwargs["reverse_traversal_iterations"] ) job_dict = self._convert_to_wire_format(circuit, options) job_handle = self._submit_to_backend(job_dict, self._provider.session) job_url = job_handle.headers["Location"] return QRydJob(self, job_url, self._provider.session, options, circuit)
def _convert_to_wire_format( self, circuit: "qiskit.QuantumCircuit", options: Options ) -> dict: """Convert a circuit to a dictionary. The method converts a circuit to a Json-serializable dictionary for submitting it to the API of QRydDemo's emulator. Args: circuit: The QuantumCircuit to be converted. options: The Options object of the backend. Raises: RuntimeError: If the `circuit` contains a quantum gate or operation that is not supported. AssertionError: If the `circuit` contains definitions that are inconsistent with definitions used by the web API. Returns: Json-serializable dictionary describing the simulation job. """ circuit_dict = { "ClassicalRegister": { "measurement": { "circuits": [ { "definitions": [ { "DefinitionBit": { "name": "ro", "length": len(circuit.clbits), "is_output": True, } } ], "operations": [], "_roqoqo_version": { "major_version": 1, "minor_version": 0, }, } ], }, }, } # type: Dict[str, Any] qubits_map = {bit: n for n, bit in enumerate(circuit.qubits)} clbits_map = {bit: n for n, bit in enumerate(circuit.clbits)} for instruction in inst = instruction[0] params = inst.params qubits = [qubits_map[bit] for bit in instruction[1]] clbits = [clbits_map[bit] for bit in instruction[2]] if inst.label: print(inst.label) # TODO if == "barrier": continue elif == "measure": if len(qubits) != len(clbits): raise AssertionError( "Number of qubits and classical bits must be same." ) for qubit, clbit in zip(qubits, clbits): circuit_dict["ClassicalRegister"]["measurement"]["circuits"][0][ "operations" ] += [ { "MeasureQubit": { "readout": "ro", "qubit": qubit, "readout_index": clbit, } } ] elif == "p": if len(qubits) != 1 or len(params) != 1: raise AssertionError("Wrong number of arguments.") circuit_dict["ClassicalRegister"]["measurement"]["circuits"][0][ "operations" ] += [ { "PhaseShiftState1": { "qubit": qubits[0], "theta": float(params[0]), } } ] elif == "r": if len(qubits) != 1 or len(params) != 2: raise AssertionError("Wrong number of arguments.") circuit_dict["ClassicalRegister"]["measurement"]["circuits"][0][ "operations" ] += [ { "RotateXY": { "qubit": qubits[0], "theta": float(params[0]), "phi": float(params[1]), } } ] elif == "rx": if len(qubits) != 1 or len(params) != 1: raise AssertionError("Wrong number of arguments.") circuit_dict["ClassicalRegister"]["measurement"]["circuits"][0][ "operations" ] += [ { "RotateX": { "qubit": qubits[0], "theta": float(params[0]), } } ] elif == "ry": if len(qubits) != 1 or len(params) != 1: raise AssertionError("Wrong number of arguments.") circuit_dict["ClassicalRegister"]["measurement"]["circuits"][0][ "operations" ] += [ { "RotateY": { "qubit": qubits[0], "theta": float(params[0]), } } ] elif == "pcz": if len(qubits) != 2 or len(params) != 0: raise AssertionError("Wrong number of arguments.") circuit_dict["ClassicalRegister"]["measurement"]["circuits"][0][ "operations" ] += [ { "PhaseShiftedControlledZ": { "control": qubits[0], "target": qubits[1], "phi": float(PCZGate.get_theta()), } } ] elif == "pcp": if len(qubits) != 2 or len(params) != 1: raise AssertionError("Wrong number of arguments.") circuit_dict["ClassicalRegister"]["measurement"]["circuits"][0][ "operations" ] += [ { "PhaseShiftedControlledPhase": { "control": qubits[0], "target": qubits[1], "theta": float(params[0]), "phi": float(PCPGate.get_theta(float(params[0]))), } } ] elif == "h": if len(qubits) != 1 or len(params) != 0: raise AssertionError("Wrong number of arguments.") circuit_dict["ClassicalRegister"]["measurement"]["circuits"][0][ "operations" ] += [ { "Hadamard": { "qubit": qubits[0], } } ] elif == "rz": if len(qubits) != 1 or len(params) != 1: raise AssertionError("Wrong number of arguments.") circuit_dict["ClassicalRegister"]["measurement"]["circuits"][0][ "operations" ] += [ { "RotateZ": { "qubit": qubits[0], "theta": float(params[0]), } } ] elif == "u": if len(qubits) != 1 or len(params) != 3: raise AssertionError("Wrong number of arguments.") theta = float(params[0]) phi = float(params[1]) lam = float(params[2]) circuit_dict["ClassicalRegister"]["measurement"]["circuits"][0][ "operations" ] += [ { "RotateZ": { "qubit": qubits[0], "theta": lam - pi / 2, } }, { "RotateX": { "qubit": qubits[0], "theta": theta, } }, { "RotateZ": { "qubit": qubits[0], "theta": phi + pi / 2, } }, ] elif == "x": if len(qubits) != 1 or len(params) != 0: raise AssertionError("Wrong number of arguments.") circuit_dict["ClassicalRegister"]["measurement"]["circuits"][0][ "operations" ] += [ { "PauliX": { "qubit": qubits[0], } } ] elif == "y": if len(qubits) != 1 or len(params) != 0: raise AssertionError("Wrong number of arguments.") circuit_dict["ClassicalRegister"]["measurement"]["circuits"][0][ "operations" ] += [ { "PauliY": { "qubit": qubits[0], } } ] elif == "z": if len(qubits) != 1 or len(params) != 0: raise AssertionError("Wrong number of arguments.") circuit_dict["ClassicalRegister"]["measurement"]["circuits"][0][ "operations" ] += [ { "PauliZ": { "qubit": qubits[0], } } ] elif == "sx": if len(qubits) != 1 or len(params) != 0: raise AssertionError("Wrong number of arguments.") circuit_dict["ClassicalRegister"]["measurement"]["circuits"][0][ "operations" ] += [ { "SqrtPauliX": { "qubit": qubits[0], } } ] elif == "sxdg": if len(qubits) != 1 or len(params) != 0: raise AssertionError("Wrong number of arguments.") circuit_dict["ClassicalRegister"]["measurement"]["circuits"][0][ "operations" ] += [ { "InvSqrtPauliX": { "qubit": qubits[0], } } ] elif == "cx": if len(qubits) != 2 or len(params) != 0: raise AssertionError("Wrong number of arguments.") circuit_dict["ClassicalRegister"]["measurement"]["circuits"][0][ "operations" ] += [ { "CNOT": { "control": qubits[0], "target": qubits[1], } } ] elif == "cy": if len(qubits) != 2 or len(params) != 0: raise AssertionError("Wrong number of arguments.") circuit_dict["ClassicalRegister"]["measurement"]["circuits"][0][ "operations" ] += [ { "ControlledPauliY": { "control": qubits[0], "target": qubits[1], } } ] elif == "cz": if len(qubits) != 2 or len(params) != 0: raise AssertionError("Wrong number of arguments.") circuit_dict["ClassicalRegister"]["measurement"]["circuits"][0][ "operations" ] += [ { "ControlledPauliZ": { "control": qubits[0], "target": qubits[1], } } ] elif == "cp": if len(qubits) != 2 or len(params) != 1: raise AssertionError("Wrong number of arguments.") circuit_dict["ClassicalRegister"]["measurement"]["circuits"][0][ "operations" ] += [ { "ControlledPhaseShift": { "control": qubits[0], "target": qubits[1], "theta": float(params[0]), } } ] elif == "swap": if len(qubits) != 2 or len(params) != 0: raise AssertionError("Wrong number of arguments.") circuit_dict["ClassicalRegister"]["measurement"]["circuits"][0][ "operations" ] += [ { "SWAP": { "control": qubits[0], "target": qubits[1], } } ] elif == "iswap": if len(qubits) != 2 or len(params) != 0: raise AssertionError("Wrong number of arguments.") circuit_dict["ClassicalRegister"]["measurement"]["circuits"][0][ "operations" ] += [ { "ISwap": { "control": qubits[0], "target": qubits[1], } } ] else: raise RuntimeError("Operation '%s' not supported." % circuit_dict["ClassicalRegister"]["measurement"]["circuits"][0][ "operations" ] += [ { "PragmaSetNumberOfMeasurements": { "readout": "ro", "number_measurements": options.shots, } } ] job_dict = { "format": "qoqo", "backend":, "fusion_max_qubits": options.fusion_max_qubits, "seed_simulator": options.seed_simulator, "seed_compiler": options.seed_compiler, "allow_compilation": options.allow_compilation, "pcz_theta": float(PCZGate().get_theta()), "use_extended_set": options.use_extended_set, "use_reverse_traversal": options.use_reverse_traversal, "extended_set_size": options.extended_set_size, "extended_set_weight": options.extended_set_weight, "reverse_traversal_iterations": options.reverse_traversal_iterations, "program": circuit_dict, } return job_dict def _submit_to_backend( self, job_dict: Dict[str, Any], session: requests.Session ) -> requests.Response: """Submit a simulation job to QRydDemo's API. Args: job_dict: Json-serializable dictionary describing the simulation job. session: Session object that manages the connection to the API server. Raises: requests.HTTPError: If the web API did not accept the request. RuntimeError: If the API could not create a simulation job. Returns: The response of the API. .. # noqa: DAR401 .. # noqa: DAR402 """ response =, json=job_dict) try: response.raise_for_status() except requests.HTTPError as error: with suppress(BaseException): error = requests.HTTPError( f"{error} ({error.response.json()['detail']})" ) raise error if response.status_code != 201: raise RuntimeError("Error creating a new job on the QRydDemo server") return response def _create_target(self, num_qubits: int, edges: List[Tuple[int, int]]) -> None: """Helper method to create a target and add instructions. Args: num_qubits: Number of qubits. edges: List of edges. """ # Create Target self._target = Target() # Add native gates meas_props = {(qubit,): None for qubit in range(num_qubits)} self._target.add_instruction(Measure(), meas_props) lam = Parameter("lambda") p_props = {(qubit,): None for qubit in range(num_qubits)} self._target.add_instruction(PhaseGate(lam), p_props) theta = Parameter("theta") phi = Parameter("phi") r_props = {(qubit,): None for qubit in range(num_qubits)} self._target.add_instruction(RGate(theta, phi), r_props) theta = Parameter("theta") rx_props = {(qubit,): None for qubit in range(num_qubits)} self._target.add_instruction(RXGate(theta), rx_props) theta = Parameter("theta") ry_props = {(qubit,): None for qubit in range(num_qubits)} self._target.add_instruction(RYGate(theta), ry_props) pcz_props = {tuple(edge): None for edge in edges} self._target.add_instruction(PCZGate(), pcz_props) lam = Parameter("lambda") pcp_props = {tuple(edge): None for edge in edges} self._target.add_instruction(PCPGate(lam), pcp_props) # Add additional gates: single qubit gates # see # noqa: E501 h_props = {(qubit,): None for qubit in range(num_qubits)} self._target.add_instruction(HGate(), h_props) theta = Parameter("theta") rz_props = {(qubit,): None for qubit in range(num_qubits)} self._target.add_instruction(RZGate(theta), rz_props) theta = Parameter("theta") phi = Parameter("phi") lam = Parameter("lambda") u_props = {(qubit,): None for qubit in range(num_qubits)} self._target.add_instruction(UGate(theta, phi, lam), u_props) x_props = {(qubit,): None for qubit in range(num_qubits)} self._target.add_instruction(XGate(), x_props) y_props = {(qubit,): None for qubit in range(num_qubits)} self._target.add_instruction(YGate(), y_props) z_props = {(qubit,): None for qubit in range(num_qubits)} self._target.add_instruction(ZGate(), z_props) sx_props = {(qubit,): None for qubit in range(num_qubits)} self._target.add_instruction(SXGate(), sx_props) sxdg_props = {(qubit,): None for qubit in range(num_qubits)} self._target.add_instruction(SXdgGate(), sxdg_props) # Add additional gates: controlled gates cx_props = {tuple(edge): None for edge in edges} self._target.add_instruction(CXGate(), cx_props) cy_props = {tuple(edge): None for edge in edges} self._target.add_instruction(CYGate(), cy_props) cz_props = {tuple(edge): None for edge in edges} self._target.add_instruction(CZGate(), cz_props) theta = Parameter("theta") cp_props = {tuple(edge): None for edge in edges} self._target.add_instruction(CPhaseGate(theta), cp_props) # Add additional gates: other two qubit unitaries swap_props = {tuple(edge): None for edge in edges} self._target.add_instruction(SwapGate(), swap_props) iswap_props = {tuple(edge): None for edge in edges} self._target.add_instruction(iSwapGate(), iswap_props)
[docs]class QRydEmulatorSquare(QRydBackend): """Backend for accessing a specific emulator. The emulator simulates *30 ideal qubits* arranged in a *5x6 square lattice* with nearest-neighbor connectivity. Quantum circuits are compiled to the gate set and connectivity of the Rydberg platform on our servers after submitting the circuits to QRydDemo's infrastructure. Typical usage example: .. testcode:: from qiskit_qryd_provider import QRydProvider from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, transpile import os provider = QRydProvider(os.getenv("QRYD_API_TOKEN")) backend = provider.get_backend("qryd_emulator$square") qc = QuantumCircuit(2, 2) qc.h(0), 1) qc.measure([0, 1], [0, 1]) job =, backend), shots=200) """
[docs] def __init__(self, provider: "qiskit_qryd_provider.QRydProvider") -> None: """Initialize the backend. Args: provider: The provider that this backend comes from. """ super().__init__( provider=provider, name="qryd_emulator$square", backend_version="1.0.0", ) num_qubits = 30 # Calculate edges edges = [ (q1, q2) for q1, q2 in product(range(num_qubits), range(num_qubits)) if q1 != q2 ] # Create target with instructions self._create_target(num_qubits, edges)
[docs]class QRydEmulatorTriangle(QRydBackend): """Backend for accessing a specific emulator. The emulator simulates *30 ideal qubits* arranged in a *triangle lattice* with nearest-neighbor connectivity. Quantum circuits are compiled to the gate set and connectivity of the Rydberg platform on our servers after submitting the circuits to QRydDemo's infrastructure. Typical usage example: .. testcode:: from qiskit_qryd_provider import QRydProvider from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, transpile import os provider = QRydProvider(os.getenv("QRYD_API_TOKEN")) backend = provider.get_backend("qryd_emulator$triangle") qc = QuantumCircuit(2, 2) qc.h(0), 1) qc.measure([0, 1], [0, 1]) job =, backend), shots=200) """
[docs] def __init__(self, provider: "qiskit_qryd_provider.QRydProvider") -> None: """Initialize the backend. Args: provider: The provider that this backend comes from. """ super().__init__( provider=provider, name="qryd_emulator$triangle", backend_version="1.0.0", ) num_qubits = 30 # Calculate edges edges = [ (q1, q2) for q1, q2 in product(range(num_qubits), range(num_qubits)) if q1 != q2 ] # Create target with instructions self._create_target(num_qubits, edges)
[docs]class NoisyEmulatorTriangle(QRydBackend): """Backend for accessing a specific emulator. The emulator is currently under development and aims to simulate up to *16 qubits* arranged in a *triangle lattice* with nearest-neighbor connectivity and simple noise models. This emulator is useful for studying quantum error correction codes. Typical usage example: .. testcode:: from qiskit_qryd_provider import QRydProvider from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, transpile import os provider = QRydProvider(os.getenv("QRYD_API_TOKEN")) backend = provider.get_backend("noisy_emulator$triangle") qc = QuantumCircuit(2, 2) qc.h(0), 1) qc.measure([0, 1], [0, 1]) job =, backend), shots=200, allow_compilation=True) """
[docs] def __init__(self, provider: "qiskit_qryd_provider.QRydProvider") -> None: """Initialize the backend. Args: provider: The provider that this backend comes from. """ super().__init__( provider=provider, name="noisy_emulator$triangle", backend_version="1.0.0", ) num_qubits = 16 # Calculate edges edges = [ (q1, q2) for q1, q2 in product(range(num_qubits), range(num_qubits)) if q1 != q2 ] # Create target with instructions self._create_target(num_qubits, edges)